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Publications by Veronika Kupriyanova


Kupriyanova, V. and Ferencz, I. (2022) Attracting and Supporting International PhD Students, Lecturers and Researchers in Central-Eastern and South-Eastern Europe: Current Status and Recommended Improvement. Academic Cooperation Association (ACA). 

Estermann, T., Bennetot Pruvot, E., and Kupriyanova, V. (2020). The impact of the Covid-19 crisis on university funding in Europe. European University Association. T. Estermann, E. Bennetot Pruvot and  

Kupriyanova, V. (2020). EUA Public Funding Observatory Report 2019/20. European University Association.  

Bennetot Pruvot, E. and Kupriyanova, V. (2019). Achieving high-quality audit in European research. European University Association (EUA) 

Estermann, T. and Kupriyanova, V. (2019). A comparative analysis of public procurement frameworks and practices in Portugal and selected EU member states. European University Association (EUA) 

Estermann, T. and Kupriyanova, V. (2019). Efficiency, Effectiveness and Value for Money. A USTREAM Report. European University Association (EUA) 

Kupriyanova V., Estermann T., and Sabic N. (2018) Efficiency of Universities: Drivers, Enablers and Limitations. In: Curaj A., Deca L., Pricopie R. (eds) European Higher Education Area: The Impact of Past and Future Policies. Springer.  

Estermann, T. and Kupriyanova, V. (2018). Efficiency, Effectiveness and Value for Money: Insights from Ireland and other countries - A USTREAM Report. European University Association (EUA) 

Estermann, T. and Kupriyanova, V. (2017). Efficiency, Effectiveness and Value for Money: Insights from the UK and other countries - A USTREAM Report. European University Association (EUA) 

Estermann, T. and Kupriyanova, V. (2016). EUA Public Funding Observatory Report 2016. European University Association (EUA) 

Gaebel, M., Kupriyanova, V., Morais, R., and Colucci, E. (2014). E-learning in European higher education institutions: Results of a mapping survey. European University Association (EUA).   

Kupriyanova, V. & Zhu, C. (2013). Internationalisation of higher education: Russian perspective. Journal of International Relations Theory and World Politics, 11 (2), pp. 85-94.  

DePryck, K., Zhu, C., Van Laer, H., Kupriyanova, V. and W. Jacquet (2014). Deelnemen aan het volwassenenonderwijs in Vlaanderen vanuit de ervaring van de cursist. Brussel: VUB.  

Ferencz, I., Kupriyanova, V., Netz, N. and Hauschildt, K. (2013). Review and definition of mobility windows. In Ferencz, I., Hauschildt, K. & I. Garam (eds.). Mobility windows: from concept to practice. Bonn: Lemmens.  

Garam, I., Kupriyanova, V., Ferencz, I., Lam, Q. & K. Hauschildt (2013). Setting-up mobility windows. In Ferencz, I., Hauschildt, K. & I. Garam (eds.). Mobility windows: from concept to practice. Bonn: Lemmens.  

Cao, C., Zhu, C., and Kupriyanova, V. (2013). The role of e-learning in the internationalisation of higher education. European Conference on Educational Research ECER 2013.  

Kupriyanova, V. (2012). The EU and Russia: between academic migration and academic mobility. International Conference “Migration and Integration in Europe and Russia”, St. Petersburg, 16-18.11.2012  

Kupriyanova, V. (2011). Bringing research and education together: the experiences of Russia, Germany and France. International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation, Madrid, 14-16.11.2011